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How humour can increase your bottom line

How humour can increase your bottom line

You want to be taken seriously as a business, right? But did you know that many customers and consumers actually want you to give them a laugh as well? 91% of people globally prefer brands to be funny, but 95% of business leaders fear using humour in consumer interactions.

So, how do you overcome the worry about using humour in your sales and marketing? And what are the benefits of a brand that uses humour in an effective way?

5 ways that humour improves your customer experience

Being funny in a business context might sound counterintuitive. But all the evidence points to customers wanting humorous, engaging ways for you to interact with them. Humour puts people at ease in a sales environment, and a good joke or funny meme in your marketing has the potential to win prospects over and make your customers enjoy your brand.

Using humour with your customers:

  1. Enhances customer engagement – humour in your sales and marketing really helps you connect with your audience. Funny interactions and campaigns increase your customers’ attention span and encourage them to participate, comment and engage.

  2. Builds emotional connection – when you incorporate humour, this creates positive associations for your customers. They’ll see your brand as more relatable and likeable, all of which leads to stronger connections and customer relationships.

  3. Differentiates your brand – smart and subtle use of humour sets your business apart from the the stuffy and staid competitors in your market. Being able to raise a laugh makes your brand more memorable and attractive in a crowded market.

  4. Increases message retention – humorous content can help to leave a lasting impact with consumers. This aids information recall and ensures your key messages, campaign taglines and promotional copy stay top of mind with your audience.

  5. Boosts brand perception – a well-executed, humorous approach creates a positive brand image, showcasing your company's personality and approachability. As a ‘funny brand’, customers will feel good engaging with you and spending their money.

Talk to us about adding humour to your customer strategy

We’re accountants, so obviously we don’t have a sense of humour (we’re kidding, we like a joke as much as the next business person). But we can give you advice on how greater customer engagement and stronger relationships both lead to higher sales – and that’s great news for your targets and overall revenue.

For more on the use of humour in our workplaces and marketing, watch this short TED talk from Tom Fishburne from Marketoonist, explaining the power of humour.