Landlords Financial provide Letting Agents with a very unique outsourced option for running their Client Account.
Over the years we have met many Letting Agents who have difficulties in running, and balancing, their client accounts. We have years of finance and lettings experience (over thirty in total) and we've run our own lettings business so we know the industry inside out. What's more we know how to balance books and account for figures on a timely and accurate basis.
We can collect your rents, allocate these to your Landlords and charge your commission and other costs on a daily basis. Your client account will balance every minute of every day to the penny if you leave the client accounting to us. We work behind the scenes so your Landlords and Tenants believe you are running the service yourselves.
We use PayProp to help our Letting and Estate Agent clients to run their client accounts.
We can run PayProp for you so there is no need for you to get involved or we can work alongside your own staff to operate PayProp and ensure it is kept up to date and accurate.
We can also integrate this system into your own business accounting system so that your whole business (client and business account) is running smoothly from a finance point of view.
Please watch this video to see how PayProp could work for you.